The Big Story Question

Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Growing Conflict in Israel.

An Israeli soldier is captured and held hostage. Israel then decides to retaliate, but everyone gets mad at Israel. Let's look at this in more detail.

Hamas is a government that wants to destroy Israel and take the land for itself. Israel gave up the Gaza Strip to Hamas, but this was not good enough for the Palestinians. They decided that this was a place for them to launch rockets from and attack Israel. It has become obvious that the Palestinians will not be happy until they destroy Israel. Why then is everyone getting mad at Israel? Because they are trying to get their soldiers back with no compromise?

Now the violence has spilled into Lebanon. Terrorists there have captured a soldier. Why then is Israel's violence against the country justified? Lebanon does not even try to look for these terrorists and detain them. Remember, if you harbor a terrorist, you are just as bad as a terrorist. This is why Lebanon is being attacked.

Many have noted that Israel would not go to negotiations to get the soldier back. They should not have to go to those negotiations. There should be no compromise on the issue; Israel should get the soldier and not have to worry about that.

The situation in the area will get worse before it gets better. Now that Iran is looking to get involved, we may have a bigger war on our hands. The UN has sent representatives to the area, but let's not fool ourselves. The UN has been useless ever since it decided that it cannot go to war no matter what. With no action, what is the point of it as a peacekeeping agency? Anyway, to get back to the subject, we cannot get mad at Israel for attacking Palestine and Lebanon. The country was attacked, and it is trying to defend itself. When you are surrounded by countries that want to destroy you, what can you do besides show force?


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